Bad HDD Blocks: Causes and Types

Source: So, a bad block is usually understood as a specific section of the disk, normal operation with which is not guaranteed or impossible at all. Such areas may contain various information, it may be user data or service information (otherwise called servo (obviously from Latin servire or English serve – serve), in this case […]

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SMART – internal HDD condition assessment technology

Source: Introduction Today, I would like to talk a little more about the SMART technology mentioned in the previous article on the criteria for choosing a hard drive, as well as find out the issue of the appearance of bad sectors when checking the surface with special programs and exhausting the reserve surface for their […]

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Why We Choose WordPress to Build Websites

Recently, many proposals from various WEB design studios have appeared on the Internet about creating sites based on their own content management systems (CMS). In general, CMS is a system thanks to which you can manage your WEB site, change information on it, add products and services, edit texts. So, choosing the so-called “free” website […]

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