How do we operate?
We receive and register the task
  • All tasks are recorded in the online task list which is ALWAYS accessible
Assessing the task
  • Before proceeding with the task, the Client knows exactly the estimate of the task from above
We appoint the implementer and the timeframe
  • Each task is recorded in the development calendar and has an assigned due date
The task is being implemented on a test server
  • All of the changes are carried out on the test server and do not affect the production website until they are published
We perform testing
  • We use a system of autotests and live testers to ensure that the changes were implemented correctly.
We publish changes to the production website and ensure that it is working properly
  • For publishing to production website, we use the GIT code version control system and database migrations
We register the result in the online log recording system
Details regarding work and payment

We offer a pay-for-performance model and strive to ensure complete customer satisfaction by working towards specific and measurable results.

The cost of services is $25 per hour.
Optimization of the task at the evaluation stage
Allows you to achieve the desired result in the best and shortest way possible. Allows you to save on different way of solving the problem.
Client's personal account
We provide access to the Client's personal account, where you can see all your tasks and their implementation status in real time.
Ability to communicate with the task implementer
Our task activity log allows you to see all the internal correspondence related to the task. We try to make the process as transparent as possible for the Client.
Consulting during the implementation
Once the technical support agreement is signed, you receive the ability to consult with our specialists on current and future tasks.
Payment is due only after the task is approved
We provide 2 weeks to confirm with the results of the assigned task. In case of repeated mistakes, we fix them without exceeding the initial estimate
Monthly report before payment
Also, before invoicing, we offer you a complete report on the tasks proposed for approval for payment.
Who will work with you?
Project Manager
  • Interaction with the client
  • team coordination,
  • task assessment,
  • appointment of an implementer
  • timing control
Front-end developer
  • Interface related work
  • JS, React, Angular system components
Back-end developer
  • Work related to CMS components, API
  • PHP, Python scripts
DEV-OPS specialist
  • Work related to hosting and server
  • Databases, Unix, Servers
  • Testing tasks, writing autotests
  • Compiles test reports.
Begin work on your project today
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